Dermatology Partners



Dermaplaning is a non invasive, painless procedure that utilizes a surgical blade to resurface dead skin cells and remove superficial facial hair. At Dermatology Partners lnc., the dermaplaning procedure is immediately followed by a mild peel for further exfoliation. Dermaplaning requires no recovery time. It increases cellular turnover as well as smoothes and softens skin. Results with dermaplaning can be visible immediately.

The procedure may cause stinging and discomfort, usually lasting a short period of time. lt may also cause redness. Occasionally some swelling may occur. The skin may peel and could continue to do so for up to one week. The hair that is removed as a result of dermaplaning is expected to grow back blunt-ended. New hair will not appear darker or denser. However, any hormonal imbalances that may be present can alter the normal hair growth pattern and cause a darker, denser restoration process.

Prior to this treatment I have been candid in revealing any condition I have that may have a bearing on this procedure, such as cold sores, allergies, recent facial peels, surgery, use of retinol, Accutane or hormones.

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